Inspired by Team Pilot Steven Merrell, the Godfather of Tiny Whoop Brushless flight, these motors were created for indoor flight with flight time and precise control in mind. Steven Merrell has been flying Brushless Tiny Whoop as much as anyone, and got his start testing motors long before they had reached this level of quality and longevity. He specifically asked me (Jesse P) for a lower-kv 603 size motor for his particular style of flight. It's just too easy to have way too much power with the new brushless technology we offer, so lowering the speed allowed Steven to concentrate on tighter lines on small technical courses indoors. They're meant for courses that require precision control on very light-weight builds.
If you want one step uyp in terms of power, consider the Scoot Juice 603 16000kv motors or the even faster Jiffy Juice 19000kv motors.
Like many of our motors, these babies now feature the PCB Solder pad upgrade, which allows for custom wiring and easy repairs. To access the PCB pads (where the wires connect to the motor) just peel back the black silicone.
These motors use a 1mm shaft, so make sure you have props that fit 1mm shaft size!!